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    Feliz : Most Essential Item

    "펠리즈"는 스페인어로 행복한, 기쁜 이라는 뜻.
    감각적인 라이프 스타일을 지향하는 브랜드.
    편안함 속에서도 멋을 잃지 않는 프렌치 시크를 기반으로 한
    웨어러블하고 유니크한 디자인을 추구합니다.

    A new vision of beauty

    “My objective is to provide women with the most effective, virtuous and respectful solution to achieve well-being and visibly transformed skin quality in complete safety.” Dr Olivier Courtin.

    This quest for skincare with maximum effectiveness led to the birth of myBlend, a personalised beauty ecosystem that stimulates the body’s natural mechanisms: a comprehensive solution combining nutri-cosmetics to target the skin from the inside, derma-cosmetics to nourish and correct skin from the outside, and high-tech devices to optimise the formulas’ results. These three pillars form the foundation of the brand and work in synergy, with uncompromising high standards in quality, effectiveness and safety for skin that is stronger, healthier, more beautiful and more radiant.

    A new vision of beauty

    “My objective is to provide women with the most effective, virtuous and respectful solution to achieve well-being and visibly transformed skin quality in complete safety.” Dr Olivier Courtin.

    This quest for skincare with maximum effectiveness led to the birth of myBlend, a personalised beauty ecosystem that stimulates the body’s natural mechanisms: a comprehensive solution combining nutri-cosmetics to target the skin from the inside, derma-cosmetics to nourish and correct skin from the outside, and high-tech devices to optimise the formulas’ results. These three pillars form the foundation of the brand and work in synergy, with uncompromising high standards in quality, effectiveness and safety for skin that is stronger, healthier, more beautiful and more radiant.